[Salon] The Lead: Only an International Mobilization of Millions Can Free the United States!


EIR NewsFebruary 3, 2024 . 3:35 AM
President Biden arrives at Dover Air Force Base during a US strike in Iraq and Syria [Photo via URL]

The Lead

Only an International Mobilization of Millions Can Free the United States!

by Dennis Speed (EIRNS) — Feb. 02, 2024

As you read this, the unacknowledged war on Iran, “phase three” of Global NATO’s war with Russia and China—first, Ukraine, then Gaza—is being launched by the Biden Administration. Three locations in Iraq and four in Syria were targeted and bombed, using 125 “precision munitions.” Simultaneous with these attacks, Biden appeared at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, together with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to greet the remains of Sergeant William Jerome Rivers, 46, of Carrollton, Georgia, Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia, and Specialist Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23, of Savannah, Georgia.

The Administration thus sought to cynically capitalize upon the inconsolable grief of the families of the three American servicemen and women, who “died patriotically” by being unnecessarily killed in northeastern Jordan, at “Tower 22” military base—exactly the sort of place that Senator Rand Paul described as only good for making American soldiers “sitting ducks,” waiting to be attacked. Biden and the Pentagon were able to misuse the dead soldiers, already betrayed by their deployment in harm’s way, one last time, even in death. So, “Biden and the brass” appeared at Dover, just long enough to wave their bloody shirts, in the service of initiating another stage of “Great Game” global conflict.

One might stop to consider what such “Biden behavior” looks like to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin was in power at the time of America’s September 11, 2001. Does he, the former head of the Federal Security Service (FSB), believe the official narrative of that day? What does Putin think, in the aftermath of the still-unexplained October 7, 2023 “total failure of Israeli intelligence”—a failure that resulted in the dismissal of no one, almost four months after the attack? What does he think of the lockstep U.S./British/Israeli deployment for the depopulation of Gaza? What does China’s Xi Jinping think, as America announces its intent to go to war with “the real threat, China?”

As Putin and the Russian people recently commemorated the 80th anniversary of the victory at the siege of Leningrad, Jan. 27, 1944 and the 1943 Soviet triumph at Stalingrad (whose 2.2 million casualties mark it as the bloodiest battle in all of human history), what must they have concluded, regarding the Anglospere’s willful amnesia about these events? “The Soviet Union paid the harshest price: though the numbers are not exact, an estimated 26 million Soviet citizens died during World War II, including as many as 11 million soldiers. At the same time, the Germans suffered three-quarters of their wartime losses fighting the Red Army,” wrote Ishaan Tharoor in the Washington Post in May 2015. “It was the Western Allies’ extreme good fortune that the Russians, and not themselves, paid almost the entire ‘butcher’s bill’ … accepting 95% of the military casualties of the three major powers of the Grand Alliance,” wrote British historian Max Hastings in the book Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945. What conclusions would you draw, in the face of the present NATO/Russia “Ukraine” war, practically the same military theater as 80 years ago, if you were the Russian military, if you were President Vladimir Putin, if you viewed Gaza, in the aftermath of the International Court of Justice ruling and the Anglosphere’s response to it, as Russia or China would view it?

“The Holocaust overshadows … plans that envisioned even more killing. Hitler wanted not only to eradicate the Jews; he wanted also to destroy Poland and the Soviet Union as states, exterminate their ruling classes, and kill tens of millions of Slavs,” observed American historian Timothy Snyder in his book Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. Can that fact be forgotten in contemporary Russia?

Last Saturday, Vladimir Putin reflected that “January 27 is one of the most important dates in our shared national history. On this day in 1944, Red Army soldiers completely lifted the siege of Leningrad. One year after that, in 1945, they liberated Auschwitz.” Yesterday, on the 81st anniversary of the victory at Stalingrad, Putin, speaking in Tula, just south of Moscow, to 600 scientific workers, engineers, journalists, doctors and others said: “Today is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. We mark the 81st anniversary of the Nazi defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad. The heroes of this battle on the Volga River included engineers and workers…. You know, a fact that hits close to home, as someone from Leningrad who was born in that city, has come to my mind. At some of our plants, like the Putilovsky Plant, when the enemy approached the workshops, the workers would grab rifles or assault rifles and go fend off the attacks. After the enemy was repelled, they went back to their machines and resumed work. That is how they worked. Can anyone defeat a nation like that? Never.”

It must be coldly, soberly faced, that the population of the United States, in particular, as well as that of the trans-Atlantic world, in order to survive the imminent danger of thermonuclear war, a danger which will not be recognized by its delusional political leaders in time, must join the international public, unambiguous rejection of genocide, as that “plausible genocide” in Gaza has now been unambiguously illumined by the International Court of Justice’s January 26 ruling. One way to do that is to reverse the cutoff of aid to the United Nations Welfare and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) by 18 nations, through immediate demonstrations and other public actions, no matter of what size, in all of those nations. As of yet, there is no demonstrated validity to the charges against the UNRWA, which has operated since 1949, that would require the withdrawal of its life-sustaining funds, even if there were a valid reason to suspect individuals of something—which, by the way, is yet unproven. Contact of UNRWA personnel with Hamas is evidence of nothing. Since Hamas has been the legally-recognized government of Gaza since 2005, it would be technically, as well as physically impossible for any administration or disbursement of aid in Gaza to have been carried out without UNRWA being in contact with Hamas, which is the government in the Gaza occupied territory.

In the United States, besides an intervention to immediately restore UNRWA funding, the 200 Congressmen that have denounced South Africa for even bringing the case against Israel, must be indicted for their complicity in abetting the conditions that could, for example, enable the immediately-impending deaths of perhaps as many as 50,000 Palestinian children about to be born. Tens of thousands of these children, and their mothers, can die in the next days and weeks, deprived of food and other essentials, directly as a result of the “regrettable necessity” that they must, according to the Netanyahu regime, be executed in the name of “the Israeli right to self-defense.” The victory this week for a ceasefire resolution in the Chicago City Council, while small, also shows Americans how a democratic process can and ought to work in a sovereign republic.

The Wall Street Journal headline in response—"Chicago Votes for Hamas,” indicates not only the fury, but also the panic of a once-intelligent elite. Do they not realize that there will have to be a settlement involving Hamas—unless there is a mass extermination? As reported below, “Hamas is still studying the Qatari-mediated hostage deal, but … Hamas insists on a permanent ceasefire for the hostage deal, and, amongst the thousands of Palestinian prisoners to be released (are included) Marwan Barghouti, and head of the PFLP Ahmad Saadat.” Netanyahu, who opposes a Palestinian state, will do anything to prevent that.

Two days ago, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor told reporters: “The (International Court of Justice) finding, we think, makes it clear that it is plausible that genocide is taking place against the Palestinian people in Gaza. This necessarily imposes an obligation on all states to cease funding and facilitating Israel’s military actions, which as the court has indicated, are plausibly genocidal.” She also said, “I can’t be dishonest. I believe the rulings of the court have been ignored. Hundreds of people have been killed in the last three or four days. And clearly, Israel believes it has license to do as it wishes.”

Three weeks from now, Israel, and indeed the world, will keep a rendezvous with history. The 30 days will be up, and Israel will either have complied with the IJC, or most likely not. What will the world do then? It will not be possible to go back from the moment of truth. But as that moment approaches, Palestinians are dying; infants, including the unborn, are being starved to death. That has not stopped the Malthusians of NATO from moving to kill them. Individual city councilmen, individual state legislators, individual lawyers, individual independent candidates for office like New York’s LaRouche Independent U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare have stepped forward. But now it is time, and it is the duty, of all of the people to elect to act. On which side of history will you stand?

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